Generational Emotional Mapping (GEM)
Ancestral Healing for You and Your Loved Ones
What is GEM?
Generational Emotional Mapping (GEM) is a form of ancestral healing created by Joyce Turkington. After being diagnosed with MS in the 1970s, Joyce turned to natural living, homeopathics, and eventually energy medicine, as Western medicine had nothing to offer her at that time. She studied the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton, who taught about epigenetics and how trauma can be passed down through families by becoming embedded in our DNA. Joyce spent years developing GEM, and after working on herself for so long, she is proud to say that she has not experienced any symptoms of MS in 20 years.
The vast majority of our physical ailments, from minor issues to major disease, began as emotions first. In most cases, these emotions aren’t even our own, as they were handed down from previous generations. When a person experiences trauma and does not work to clear that trauma, it embeds itself into the person’s DNA. It is then passed down from generation to generation, showing up in any number of ways, from anxiety to cancer. This pattern continues until somebody clears it.
The human body is designed to heal itself when given the optimal circumstances. Emotions, whether conscious or subconscious, often get in the way of this process and can keep us in a misaligned holding pattern. GEM identifies the root of the issue and clears the emotions surrounding it, allowing the body to align and heal itself.
GEM does not diagnose, treat, or cure illness or disease.
What do you mean by Generational Trauma?
For the purpose of GEM, generational trauma encompasses a whole spectrum of events that were experienced by members of your family, from global events to a personal event that lasted seconds. This could include, but is not limited to:
Surviving the Holocaust
Living through the Depression
Living through or fighting in a war
Death of a loved one
Miscarriage or loss of a child
Getting lost as a child
Injury or surgery
Any event, big or small, that caused negative emotions
It is impossible for someone to live life without some sort of hardship popping up. The emotions caused by these hardships often get passed down to us from an event that did not occur in our lifetime, yet we struggle with these emotions. GEM clears these emotions for you, all souls going back to the original trauma, and all souls going forward, as well. It is not necessary to know the exact trauma in order to clear it.
*Please note, I am not a trained therapist. I do not offer advice or counseling. GEM is simply a tool to clear the energy of the emotions caused by these or similar events in your life or the lives of previous generations, both living and deceased.
What types of issues has Meredith worked with?
Inability to cry
Traumatic events
Limiting beliefs
Relationship difficulties
Emotional eating
Trusting your body
Feelings of being left out
Stress reactions
Scarcity/Lack mentality
Aversion to learning/school
Back Pain
Menstrual Issues
Physical balance